5 Strategies to Engage Gen Z and Boost Donations

Gen Z is a generous group of donors who regularly support causes that are important to them. Whether they buy their everyday items from a specific brand or choose to work for a purpose-driven company, giving back and supporting causes is an important part of Gen Z‘s daily life. According to the recent findings from Blackbaud Insitute’s Gen Z at the Table report, 84% of Gen Z say they support charitable causes in some way.

It’s important that fundraisers have a strategy to reach and engage this socially conscious group. When fundraisers engage potential donors, like Gen Z, early, they can create lifelong donors who are more likely to support your nonprofit for many years to come. In 2023, Gen Z reported to donate an average of $747 a year. While this may seem small now, their giving will likely increase as the group becomes more financially stable. Establishing relationships with them now can create beneficial, long-term relationships.


Here are five key ways to engage with this growing group of donors:

In the Workplace

One way Gen Z gives back is through workplace giving programs, which are employer-sponsored programs, including payroll deductions, company match programs, dollars for volunteering, and more. Through these initiatives, companies simplify the giving experience so employees can support causes that are meaningful to them while also supporting the company’s CSR initiatives. With Gen Z set to overtake the number of baby boomers in the workplace in 2024, being visible on workplace-giving platforms, such as NPOconnect, is a key way to reach and engage with this generation.

According to recent data from Edelman, 71% of Gen Z want to work for an employer that shares their values, and 51% work for a company that offers a giving or volunteer program. Many giving programs offer employee paycheck deductions–with 27 million Americans having access to these programs. Often, these giving initiatives have a company match, which often doubles (or even triples) donation amounts. This further reiterates the importance of signing up for workplace giving platforms and keeping an updated profile so potential donors can easily find your nonprofit.

Online Messaging

Before donating to a cause, 40% of Gen Z research the nonprofit. They analyze social media, websites, search engines, and other resources to learn about the nonprofit’s impact, mission, reputation, etc. Use this information to your advantage; many of these platforms are ones you can control. Visit each platform your nonprofit has a presence on to ensure your information is accurate and up-to-date, with data and impactful storytelling that matters to Gen Z donors. Consider how you communicate your message and if it makes sense to someone encountering your nonprofit for the first time. Is the messaging easy to understand and free from jargon? Do you clearly state your impact? Is information easy to find? Do you show clear ways to donate? Consider asking friends and family members to review these platforms.

Showcasing Impact 

Understanding the impact of their support is crucial for Gen Z donors. In fact, 42% shared that they prefer hearing personal stories showcasing the difference their donations make, while 48% value data-driven insights on the impact of their contributions. People tend to give from their head and their heart. When they see data about what needs to be done, measurable impact, statistics, etc., they understand the need and want to donate. When people hear stories about specific people, animals, or communities benefiting from a nonprofit’s work, it pulls at a donor’s heart, and they want to give what they can. Use this to your advantage when thinking about how your nonprofit shares stories and reports on impact. In fact, 70% of Gen Z said that impact reporting will likely increase their giving over time.

Being Genuine

Showcase your mission and vision in a way that highlights your nonprofit’s personality and the benefits you offer the group you serve. To win Gen Z’s support, authenticity is key. Show them your true self, be relatable, and let your nonprofit’s genuine personality shine through. One way to achieve this is to steer clear of industry jargon and portray your message and impact in a way others can understand and relate to.

Memorable Experiences

Gen Z wants to engage in memorable experiences. Inviting people to volunteer their time to support your cause through hands-on opportunities or even pro bono work can help engage this audience and create positive experiences. By creating impactful volunteer events showcasing your mission’s importance, you can turn one-time volunteers into long-term supporters, inspiring Gen Z to join you in serving the community.

Gen Z is a powerful group that will make a tangible mark on a nonprofit’s work toward achieving its mission. It’s important that fundraisers consider this information now so they can establish strong relationships with the group and encourage lifetime support. By aligning fundraising strategies with what’s important to Gen Z, fundraisers will be better equipped to develop long-term relationships with these generous donors.

To learn more about Gen Z’s charitable habits, download the report from Blackbaud Institute.

For more information about NPOconnect or to sign up, visit https://nonprofit.yourcause.com/login/create-account.

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