How Fundraisers Can Encourage Donations Using Workplace-Giving Data

Workplace giving has become an increasingly beneficial way for nonprofits to receive donations and for employees to actively support nonprofits that are meaningful to them. But how can fundraisers identify and establish relationships with these donors? By leveraging engagement and donation data from workplace giving programs, fundraisers can create targeted strategies that inspire continued support in and out of the workplace. 


Why Workplace Giving?

In 2023, donations from workplace giving programs totaled more than $5 billion in the United States, a considerable sum that is expected to increase in the coming years. Workplace giving programs can include paycheck deductions, matching grants, dollars for volunteer hours, and other company-driven initiatives. Nonprofits of any size are eligible to receive donations from workplace-giving platforms. 

Understanding the giving initiatives and workplace giving programs companies offer their employees can help fundraisers identify other ways to garner corporate support and develop mutually beneficial programs. Working with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team to create initiatives that benefit both the company and your nonprofit will help ensure a lasting relationship between the company, its employees, and your nonprofit.

Referencing workplace giving data can help fundraisers better understand a company’s dedication to giving back. With this information, fundraisers can further engage with companies and develop mutually beneficial campaigns, giving initiatives, volunteer opportunities, or other methods to involve employees with workplace giving initiatives. 

When fundraisers understand where and how donors give, they can leverage that information to encourage ongoing donations and reach new donors. When donors use workplace giving programs, fundraisers should consider additional ways to engage with them and their colleagues. Donors are more likely to donate to a cause they volunteer with than one they haven’t, so creating workplace volunteer days or other engagement opportunities can be instrumental in growing philanthropic partnerships.

When fundraisers sign up for the free NPOconnect platform, their organization is searchable to over 8 million potential workplace donors. They can also access valuable resources, including engagement and data tools, donation management, automatic bank deposits, and more. 

Identifying Donors Who Use Workplace Giving 

All workplace giving programs have a nonprofit portal, like NPOconnect, that supplies the nonprofit with valuable donor information. Signing up as an administrator on these platforms is an important step in identifying donors who are actively supporting your cause. 

If your nonprofit is unfamiliar with workplace giving platforms, fundraisers can reference their CRM to find email domains or other workplace giving identifiers, such as employer, employer email address, etc. Identifying donors through their email can help fundraisers find companies that support workplace giving programs. Suppose you notice a group of donors with the same domain. In that case, you can reasonably assume their company is hosting a giving program (for example, an ongoing paycheck deduction program or a charitable campaign) and should work to establish a relationship with the company.

Go Beyond Workplace Giving

Creating relationships with companies that share your values or have previously donated to your nonprofit is important. These relationships are a valuable way to increase awareness of your mission while also finding additional areas in which they can support your nonprofit. Inviting companies to volunteer with your nonprofit may open up other avenues of support, such as pro-bono work, event sponsorship, etc. When fundraisers have a strong understanding of the companies in their network, they are better equipped to continue building those relationships to identify fundraising initiatives that resonate with the company, its employees, and your mission. 

With a relational and tailored approach, fundraisers are more likely to secure ongoing, lasting relationships that benefit their nonprofit. It’s important to remember that this strategy does not have a “one size fits all” method, so fundraisers must take the time to understand the corporation’s values and identify programs and initiatives that support both the company and the nonprofit.

Predicting Trends 

Suppose you notice that a company or group of donors donates to your nonprofit every year around the same time, whether that be your causes awareness month (e.g., Earth Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, etc.) or during giving season. In that case, you can assume the company is hosting a giving campaign or initiative. When fundraisers see this trend, they should be able to reasonably predict that it will happen again and develop outreach strategies to connect with companies and employees. These dedicated efforts can help foster additional fundraising and nonprofit support. 

These insights can be used for other fundraising strategies to reach other corporations and potential donors. Fundraisers can tailor outreach and develop campaigns by understanding when and why donors contribute to their cause and taking a proactive approach to seasonalities and trends. 

Share Data

Not only should fundraisers reference data to inform internal strategies, but they should also share data with companies that support their nonprofit. Showcasing updates on programs, number of people served, big wins, and how the company was integral to these initiatives is an essential part of continuing the relationship and expressing appreciation for their support. Typically, companies want to measure and showcase their impact, so sharing relevant data with them can be important in the relationship-building process.  

No matter the size of your nonprofit, workplace giving data is an important asset to inform fundraising strategies, establish lasting relationships with companies and donors, and propel your mission forward. Workplace-giving initiatives allow nonprofits to connect with companies passionate about giving back and supporting communities. Placing an increased focus on leveraging these programs will help nonprofits achieve lasting change within the communities they serve. 

For more information about NPOconnect or to sign up, visit

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